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Influence of the quality of electrical energy on the operation of the main elements of electric arc plasma systems for thermochemical fuel preparation
Viktoria V. Romanova, Andrey G. Batukhtin, Sergey V. Khromov and Konstantin V. Suslov Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Technical Sciences Series 32(2) 129 (2024)
Comprehensive assessment of factors affecting the operational reliability of low-voltage asynchronous electric motors of a coal mining complex
Methodological Aspects of Reliability Assessment of Asynchronous Motors under Current Operation Conditions at Mineral Resources Enterprises
Victoria Romanova, Andrey Batukhtin, Sergey Khromov, Ahmad Alzakkar, V. Stennikov, S. Senderov, A. Michalevich and H. Guliev E3S Web of Conferences 584 01025 (2024)
Problems of the current state of power quality and proposals for their solution
Development of a method for determining the rational installation location of technical means of symmetry in an electrical complex with the presence of an electric motor load
Victoria V. Romanova, Andrey G. Batukhtin, Sergey V. Khromov, Konstantin V. Suslov and Mikhail V. Kobylkin Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Technical Sciences Series 30(3) 141 (2022)