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Use and Failure Cause Analysis of Gas-Turbine Units at Distributed Generation Facilities
Pavel Ilyushin, Sergey Shavlovskiy, V. Stennikov, S. Senderov, A. Michalevich and H. Guliev E3S Web of Conferences 584 01008 (2024)
Determination of optimal dimensions of hybrid AC/DC distributed generation system with renewable sources for autonomous power supply of remote locations
Review of Methods for Addressing Challenging Issues in the Operation of Protection Devices in Microgrids with Voltages of up to 1 kV That Integrates Distributed Energy Resources
Review of Battery Energy Storage Systems Modeling in Microgrids with Renewables Considering Battery Degradation
Nataliia Shamarova, Konstantin Suslov, Pavel Ilyushin and Ilia Shushpanov Energies 15(19) 6967 (2022)
WSPRT Methods for Improving Power System Automation Devices in the Conditions of Distributed Generation Sources Operation
Aleksandr Kulikov, Pavel Ilyushin, Anton Loskutov, Konstantin Suslov and Sergey Filippov Energies 15(22) 8448 (2022)
Dynamic Simulation of Starting and Emergency Conditions of a Hydraulic Unit Based on a Francis Turbine
Calculating the sequence of stationary modes in power distribution networks of Russia for wide-scale integration of renewable energy based installations