Authors submit their documents to the conference organizers (who are responsible for conducting peer reviewing - see Publishing Policies & Ethics). Accepted papers are supplied to the journal by the organizers.
A final quote is sent once we have received all the documents. This quote is based on the final number of articles and pages to be published.
We process all the documents without delay and the documents will be available online within three months of us receiving the contributions.
The organizers will be supplied with PDF proofs of the cover or CD label. Authors and organizers are requested to ensure all submissions are adequately checked prior to submission as article proofs will not be sent.
Once a paper has been published online, changes are only permitted in cases of serious scientific error. In those cases, an erratum is published according to the practices of professional scientific publishing.
We can provide organizers with a tool for the online management of the scientific contents of the event. This system facilitates various steps of the scientific secretariat (submission, reviewing and selection), and automates some communications between authors, reviewers and organizers.
Premium option
In addition to the online publishing of conference papers, the journal may archive the main contents and information concerning the meeting (aims and scope, organizing committees, sponsors…) at a webpage devoted to your event.
Editorial service
Conference organizers can choose to provide us with camera-ready articles. Alternatively, we can produce the articles by managing the layout process, and/or the creation of high quality PDF files.
Printed proceedings
In addition to the online publishing of the scientific documents, organizers can buy printed copies, CD-ROMs and/or USB sticks of their conference proceedings.
Before submitting the accepted articles from your conference, please check our preparation and submission guidelines. Depending on whether you chose to provide us camera-ready PDF articles or to use our editorial service to manage text files (Word and/or LaTeX), please download:
Once your Proceedings has been published, we hope you will actively promote it to your colleagues and networks. Our Proceedings Promotion Toolkit contains hints and tips which we hope you will find helpful.
Our team is available to answer any enquiries you may have and to advise you on any specific project.
If you would like to receive a quote specific to your project, please use this form.