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Cited article:

Designing IAQ-Resilient Post-Pandemic Buildings

Carola Lingua, Giulia Crespi, Cristina Becchio and Stefano Paolo Corgnati
Sustainability 15 (3) 2187 (2023)

Impacts of different AHU configurations on health and students’ performance in Italian schools in post-pandemic era

Cristina Becchio, Stefano Paolo Corgnati, Giulia Crespi and Carola Lingua
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 60 103479 (2023)

Designing a decision support system to evaluate the environmental and extra-economic performances of a nearly zero-energy building

Federico Dell'Anna, Marta Bottero, Cristina Becchio, Stefano Paolo Corgnati and Giulio Mondini
Smart and Sustainable Built Environment 9 (4) 413 (2020)