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Cited article:

The spatiotemporal variation in lead and zinc contents in the Moulouya River (northeastern Morocco)

Boumediene Ben Cheikh, Yahya Khoukhi, Mourad Arabi, Abdelhafid Chafi, Abdelouadoud Omari, Said Benyoussef, M. Arabi, L. Mechkirrou, M. El Malki, H. Amhamdi, D. Kouotou, S. Benyoussef, M. Slamini and A. Didi
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Overview of Ecological Dynamics in Morocco – Biodiversity, Water Scarcity, Climate Change, Anthropogenic Pressures, and Energy Resources – Navigating Towards Ecosolutions and Sustainable Development

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Hydrogeochemical processes and nitrate contamination of shallow groundwater in the Gareb-Bouareg region, northeastern Morocco

Abdelkarim Chamrar, Mostafa Oujidi, Abdelilah El Haddar, Mourad Arabi, Abdelhakim Jilali, Mouad El Khoudri, M. Arabi, L. Mechkirrou, M. El Malki, H. Amhamdi, D. Kouotou, S. Benyoussef, M. Slamini and A. Didi
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