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Species and population distribution of plant aphids in agrobiocenose of southeast regions of Uzbekistan

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Evaluation of growing of sweet maize varieties and hybrids as a repeated crop in different planting periods and schemes

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Molecular identification and polymerase chain reaction analysis of Xanthogaleruca Luteola (Chrysomelidae) species

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Efficiency of agrotechnical and chemical measures in control of weeds in onion (Allium cepa L.) fields

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F1-F 4 cotton hybrids obtained with introgressive cotton lines

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Features of maturation of two-year-old common carp (Cyprinus Carpio) in cages in Uzbekistan

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Studying the immunobiological properties of theileriosis in cattle breeding in different natural and economic conditions

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Prospective resources for flax selection from the national gene fund of plants of Uzbekistan

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