Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 15, 2017
The 1st Scientific Practical Conference “International Innovative Mining Symposium (in memory of Prof. Vladimir Pronoza)”
Article Number | 03005 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Innovative Mining Equipment | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 07 April 2017 |
Grinding efficiency improvement of hydraulic cylinders parts for mining equipment
1 T.F. Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University, Department of Metal-cutting machines and tools, 28 Vesennya st., Kemerovo, Russian Federation, 650000
2 T.F. Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University, Department of Mining machines and complexes, 28 Vesennya st., Kemerovo, Russian Federation, 650000
3 T.F. Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University, Department of Coal, Engineering Plastics and Environmental Protection, 28 Vesennya st., Kemerovo, Russian Federation, 650000
* Corresponding author:
The aim of the article is to find out ways to improve parts treatment and components of mining equipment on the example of hydraulic cylinders parts, used as pillars for mine roof supports, and other actuator mechanisms. In the course of the research work methods of machine retaining devices design were used, the scientific approaches for the selection of progressive grinding schemes were applied; theoretical and practical experience in the design and production of new constructions of grinding tools was used. As a result of this work it became possible to create a progressive construction of a machine retaining device for grinding of large parts of hydraulic cylinders, to apply an effective scheme of rotary abrasive treatment, to create and implement new design of grinding tools by means of grains with controllable shape and orientation. Implementation of the results obtained in practice will improve the quality and performance of repairing and manufacturing of mining equipment.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2017
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