Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 22, 2017
International Conference on Advances in Energy Systems and Environmental Engineering (ASEE17)
Article Number | 00003 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 07 November 2017 |
Urban stormwater – greywater management system for sustainable urban water management at sub-watershed level
Marwadi University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Rajkot, 360003, Gujarat, India
* Corresponding author:
Urban water management involves urban water supply (import, treatment and distribution of water), urban wastewater management (collection, treatment and disposal of urban sewage) and urban storm water management. Declining groundwater tables, polluted and declining sources of water, water scarcity in urban areas, unsatisfactory urban water supply and sanitation situation, pollution of receiving water bodies (including the ground water), and urban floods have become the concerns and issues of sustainable urban water management. This paper proposes a model for urban stormwater and sewage management which addresses these concerns and issues of sustainable urban water management. This model proposes segregation of the sewage into black water and greywater, and urban sub-watershed level stormwater-greywater management systems. During dry weather this system will be handling only the greywater and making the latter available as reclaimed water for reuse in place of the fresh water supply. During wet weather, the system will be taking care of (collection and treatment) both the storm water and the greywater, and the excess of the treated water will be disposed off through groundwater recharging. Application of this model in the Patiala city, Punjab, INDIA for selected urban sub-watersheds has been tried. Information and background data required for the conceptualization and design of the sub-watershed level urban stormwater-greywater management system was collected and the system has been designed for one of the sub-watersheds in the Patiala city. In this paper, the model for sustainable urban water management and the design of the Sub-watershed level Urban Stormwater-Greywater Management System are described.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2017
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