Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 73, 2018
The 3rd International Conference on Energy, Environmental and Information System (ICENIS 2018)
Article Number | 05014 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Environmental Technology and Pollution Control | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 21 December 2018 |
Relationship modelling between moisture content of flour and variables of two-cycle drying process of cassava flourusing pneumatic dryer
1 Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Musamus University, Merauke - Indonesia
2 Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Musamus University, Merauke - Indonesia
3 Electro Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Musamus University, Merauke - Indonesia
Moisturecontent (MC) is the most important variable in evaluating material drying performance, so the ability to predict MC in drying process is really important. This research aims to formulate the mathematic relationship between drying process variable pneumatically and moisture content of cassava flour in drying process 1 and 2 by applying dimensional analysis. In this research, there has been a design of pneumatic drying equipment and test using various treatments such as input capacity, drying air temperature, and drying air velocity. Based on the data analysis, the relationship between MC and drying process variables are as follow:
Drying cycle 1: MC = (5,794287E − 22). (ρpr·Dpr3/Qi·θ)1,4085 (Tu/Tbo)-2,2504 (Vu·θ/Dpr)5,863
Drying cycle 2: MC = (2,36831E − 10). (ρprDpr3/Qi·θ)1,059 (Tu/Tbo)-4.808 (Vu·θ/Dpr)3,709
The equations have determination coefficient value 0.85, so it has big possibility to use it as alternative to predict moisture content of dried flour.
Key words: cassava flour / pneumatic drying / dimensional analysis / moisture content
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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