Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 80, 2019
2018 International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environment Engineering (REEE 2018)
Article Number | 01002 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
Section | Clean Energy and Energy Engineering | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 January 2019 |
Daily global solar radiation estimation based on air temperature: case of study south of Algeria
Departement of Mechanics, M ed Boudiaf University M’sila, Algeria
Federal University of Mato-Grosso do Sul, C. P. 549, 79070-900 Campo Grande, MS, Brazil
Global solar radiation is needed for the analysis and scaling of solar conversion systems; however, global measurements of solar radiation are not available in all Algerian cities. The use of empirical models using an accessible parameter is a solution to this problem. In this study, seven empirical Models namely Hargreaves and Samani, Chen, M.F. Li, H.Li, Bristow and Campbell, Okonkwo and Abraha Savage have been employed to estimate daily average global solar radiation on the horizontal surface. These models use extreme temperatures (minimum and maximum). They were applied to three south Algerian sites (Biskra, Ghardaia, and Tamanrasset). The analyzed data were provided by the NASA site and cover four years (2001-2004). The validation of the models for predicting daily global solar radiation was done using four statistical parameters (R2, MBE, RMSE, and RPE). The results show that Bristow and Compbell Model shows better performance than the other models in all sites. A new model is proposed for each site. The results show that this later is the best one compared with the seven models analyzed. Therefore, the developed model can be suggested to estimate daily global solar radiation using only extreme air temperatures in south Algeria.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2019
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