Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 91, 2019
Topical Problems of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Economics (TPACEE 2018)
Article Number | 02041 | |
Number of page(s) | 11 | |
Section | Energy-Efficient Construction | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 02 April 2019 |
Mechanical and physical properties of fine-grained concrete for concrete additive manufacturing
Kuban state technological university, ul. Moskovskaya, 2, Krasnodar, 350072, Krasnodar, Russia
* Corresponding author:
Additive manufacturing (3D printing) is becoming more and more common in the field of modern construction. However, for wider implementation of this technology, it is necessary to solve a number of material-oriented scientific problems related to development of concrete composition with targeted rheological, stress-strain, physical and mechanical properties. It has been established that time periods between successful applications of layers play the crucial role in ensuring monolithic features of the “printed” structures. Application of mathematics planning of the experiment allowed establishing the main principles of formation of basic physical and mechanical properties of fine-grained concrete depending on material composition.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2019
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