Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 100, 2019
11th Conference on Interdisciplinary Problems in Environmental Protection and Engineering EKO-DOK 2019
Article Number | 00023 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 10 June 2019 |
Regional strategy of energy and CO2 emissions management – base study on the example of Gliwice region
Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Environmental Engineering Department, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, Wrocław, 50-370, Poland
* Corresponding author:
The European Union has set the requirements for year 2030, aimed to increase the energy production from the renewable sources and to lower the CO2 emissions. Currently the percentage of renewable energy production in Poland is too low. The actual data of Gliwice County from Study of Conditions and Directions of Spatial Development (SUIKZP), Plan of Low-Emission Management (PONE/PGN) and Predictions of Impact on the Environment (POŚ) documents was used to calculate the regional energy consumption for heating and electricity. The data has been used in the simulation of the energy consumption and the CO2 emission for year 2030, including the production of the energy using region’s potential renewable resources. Based on that, the authors have calculated how much more energy must be produced from the renewable sources to meet the European Union requirements. The analysis includes the investment cost in the new energy sources and its comparison to the financial penalties the region would have to pay for not meeting the requirements.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2019
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