Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 109, 2019
International Conference Essays of Mining Science and Practice
Article Number | 00099 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 09 July 2019 |
Nonuniform stress state of a hoisting shaft lining as a result of disturbance of the ground freezing technology
Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, 49010, Dnipro, Lazaryan Str., 2, Ukraine
Al-Balqa` Applied University, 19117, Al-Salt, Jordan
* Corresponding author:
The paper deal with the defining stress state of a hoisting shaft lining, lying in the sandy loam, when performing and disturbing the ground freezing technology. The relevance of the performed research lies in the fact that at nonuniform freezing or defrosting, nonuniform stress state is formed, which causes a significant over-stresses of the lining. To research the nonuniform stress state, a spatial finite element model of a hoisting shaft was developed, in which the case of nonuniform ground freezing was simulated. The calculation by the finite-element technique was carried out on the basis of the computational professional complex Structure CAD for Windows. In the course of the analysis, the values of stress state for linings made of reinforced-concrete blocks, B30 concrete, gray and modified cast-iron tubbings. A comparison of the components of stress state for sandy loam at a temperature of -2 °C (freezing), nonuniform freezing and at a temperature of + 8 °C (defrosting) was carried out. It was found that for the proposed geotechnical conditions in the form of soft, water-saturated sandy loam, it is recommended to use a lining made of gray and modified cast-iron tubbings.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2019
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