Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 110, 2019
International Science Conference SPbWOSCE-2018 “Business Technologies for Sustainable Urban Development”
Article Number | 02154 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
Section | Environmental Management and Economics | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 09 August 2019 |
Balanced system of indicators for the assessment of innovative construction projects efficiency
1 S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, 140008, 64 Lomov Str., Pavlodar, Republic of Kazakhstan
2 Financial university under the Government of the Russian Federation, 125993, 49, Leningradsky Prospekt, Moscow, Russia
3 Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, 117997, 36, Stremyanny lane, Moscow, Russia
4 Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, 129337, 26, Yaroslavskoe Shosse, Moscow, Russia
* Corresponding author:
The role of innovations in the construction industry is considered in the article. In the conditions of transition of national economy to the innovative type of development, the indicators that allow estimating the efficiency of innovative activity, where the key aspect is the comprehensive assessment, are important. Innovative projects are especially relevant for the construction industry, which is the key driver of the national economy development. Sustainable construction ensures the development of industries, where innovative projects can partly solve the problems of creating renewable energy sources. The authors offer to expand the list of indicators for the assessment of the innovative project efficiency not only from the financial and investment point of view, but also taking into account quantitative and quality, scientific, technological, operational, marketing indicators, which often are not considered. The assessment of the innovative projects efficiency has to be the central link in the innovation management; so the authors offer to improve the system of the balanced indicators. The balanced system of indicators (BSI) is developed. It is planned to extend and to introduce BSI not only at the level of the enterprises, but also for all the types of economic activity according to their technological effectiveness.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2019
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