Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 112, 2019
8th International Conference on Thermal Equipment, Renewable Energy and Rural Development (TE-RE-RD 2019)
Article Number | 03007 | |
Number of page(s) | 9 | |
Section | Rural Development | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 20 August 2019 |
Experimental results on the solid organic fertilizer machine MG 5
INMA Bucharest, 6 Ion Ionescu de la Brad, Bucharest, Romania
* Corresponding author:Vasilica Stefan,
This paper is the first of a series of works devoted to the general issues of organic fertilizer spreading machines. Although the working process of solid organic fertilizer machines does not contain a large number of random constituents, however, the basic component, the material administered, gives the random characteristic of the process. In addition, another random component that influences the working process of the machine is the interaction of the work organ that performs the tearing and distribution of the scattered material with this material, as well as the movement of the fragments of material onto the surface of the device. A third random component is the movement of the material scattered into the atmosphere. The fragments of scattered material exhibit shape irregularities due to fragments during dislocation from the mass of feed material and due to particle collisions while moving into air until the contact with the soil. Therefore, the phenomenon of spraying the organic fertilizer on the layer from the soil surface is, as a whole, a random process. Consequently, it is logical to have experimental research prioritized in the study of the work on the distribution of solid organic fertilizers. The role of this article is to present the experimental results, some conclusions and to prefigure several theoretical or theoretical-empirical research directions. The results contained in this article are basics in all the other essays related to the topic machine.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2019
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