Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 125, 2019
The 4th International Conference on Energy, Environment, Epidemiology and Information System (ICENIS 2019)
Article Number | 09015 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
Section | Culture and Environment Development in Coastal Community | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 28 October 2019 |
Behavior Analysis of Traders Regarding Waste Management In The Wonodri Market In Semarang
1 Master Program of Environmental Science, School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro University, Semarang - Indonesia
2 Department of Medical science, Faculty of medical school, Diponegoro University, Semarang - Indonesia
3 Department of Environmental Science, School of Doctoral Studies, Diponegoro University, Semarang - Indonesia
* Corresponding author:
This research was conducted to describe the behavior of a trader regarding waste management in the Wonodri Market because there are still many traders who do not care about environmental hygiene related to the management of waste produced, such as disposing of trash leftover from the merchandise in an arbitrary manner and indifference from a trader to waste management. Therefore, an analysis of the behavior of traders is needed, one of which is related to independent waste management carried out by market traders. The method used is field survey, observation of market conditions, and literature study. The results showed that the behavior analysis of traders related to waste management in Wonodri Market was still not perfect, it was shown by the presence of piles of garbage in the kiosk/kiosk aisle, and the behavior of traders who still collected garbage mixed with each other in various compositions. This shows that traders care about waste management is still lacking. The level of education and environment of a trader greatly influences the knowledge and perceptions of traders in waste management in the Wonodri Market. The behavior of traders greatly influences the maintenance of a clean, comfortable and safe market environment, so that it does not hinder the buying and selling process between sellers and buyers and does not break the economic chain that occurs.
Key words: Throw Rubbish / Traders / Markets / Waste Management
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2019
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