Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 161, 2020
International Conference on Efficient Production and Processing (ICEPP-2020)
Article Number | 01100 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 April 2020 |
Peculiarities of assessment of content of oil products in soils
1 Volgograd State Technical University, Industrial Ecology and Safety Department, Volgograd, 400005 Russia
2 Volgograd State Agrarian University, Soil science and General biology Department, Volgograd, 400002 Russia
3 Volgograd State University, Biology Department, Volgograd, 400062 Russia
* Corresponding author:
The permissible content of oil and petroleum products in the soil must have a reasonable regional standard. It should be based on presence of specific and non-specific organic compounds in each specific soil, as well as the natural conditions that cause the ability of the soil to self-cleaning, and its provincial characteristics. The value of concentrations of petroleum products in the soil at a biologically safe level has not been established now. It is impossible to justify the maximum permissible concentration of petroleum products in the soil, since they include compounds that are a necessary component of any soil. We calculated the accumulation coefficient for 106 oil fields in 15 geographical regions of the Russian Federation. The accumulation coefficient varies in a narrow range of 1.19-1.21. It is necessary to compare the results of analysis of contaminated soil with the soil before pollution or with the background to establish the fact of a decrease in soil fertility in pollution. We believe it mandatory to consider the background concentration of petroleum products, which is understood as non-specific organic compounds of soils. The question of rationing of petroleum products in the soil remains open to the present time.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020
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