Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 165, 2020
2020 2nd International Conference on Civil Architecture and Energy Science (CAES 2020)
Article Number | 01010 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Energy Engineering and Energy Technology | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 01 May 2020 |
Study on the Combustion Characteristics and Kinetic Parameters of the Blended Coal Treated with Different Grinding Methods
1 School of energy and power engineering, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha, 410114, China
2 Huadian Fuxin Guangzhou Energy Co., Ltd., Guangzhou, 100031, China
* Corresponding author: Wang Boping (1994 -), School of energy and power engineering, Changsha University of Science and Technology.
The presented investigation focused on the combustion characteristics and kinetic parameters of the coals blended using different grinding methods (separated and mixed grinding), via Thermogravimetric analyser. According to the thermogravimetric experiments, with the increase of the proportion of Yangcheng coal, the combustion characteristics of the coal treated with the mixed grinding method are increasingly better than those of the coal treated with the separated grinding method (under the same mixing ratio). Additionally, the methods of Coats-Redfern were applied to calculate kinetic parameters, which indicated that when the proportion of Yangcheng coal is 30%, the activation energy values of the coal treated with two grinding methods are similar; when the proportion of Yangcheng coal is below 30%, the activation energy values of coal treated with the separated grinding method is lower than that of the coal treated with the mixed grinding method; when the proportion of Yangcheng coal is above 30%, the activation energy values of the coal treated with the mixed grinding method is lower than that of the coal treated with the separated grinding method.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020
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