Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 174, 2020
Vth International Innovative Mining Symposium
Article Number | 02022 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
Section | Environment Problems in Mining Regions | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 18 June 2020 |
Experimental Study of the Coal Slurry Dewatering
1 JSC SUEK-Kuzbass, 652507 Leninsk-Kuznetskiy, Vasil’eva St., bld.1, Kemerovo region, Russia
2 Technical University of Košice, Faculty BERG, Park Komenského 19, 042 00, Košice, Slovakia
∗ Corresponding author:
Currently, over 50% of Russia’s coal is mined in Kuzbass region. This is the reason for extreme pressure on natural resources and ecology in the region. At present, more than 100 coal mines and open-pit mines, as well as 54 concentrating plants and facilities are operating in Kuzbass. Wastewater and wastes of concentration plants, which used sludge collectors, contain significant amounts of coal slurry in the form of finely dispersed particles. Filtered cake as a potential raw material is of interest from an economic point of view. This technogenic raw material is a waste of mining production in fact. At the same time, the high humidity, and the complexity of loading and transportation, and the lack of compliance with consumer requirements does not allow full using of this raw material. This article presents some results of experimental research on coal sludge dewatering using geosynthetic materials. The received experimental data allow making the preliminary forecast about possibility of use of geotextile- like materials for coal slurry dewatering with its potential further use.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020
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