Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 203, 2020
Ecological and Biological Well-Being of Flora and Fauna (EBWFF-2020)
Article Number | 03010 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
Section | Protection and Use of Natural Resources | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 05 November 2020 |
Spatial analysis of salinity distribution patterns in upper layers of the Black Sea
1 Azov-Black Sea branch of VNIRO (“AzNIIRKH”), 344002, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
2 Kerch State Maritime Technological University, 298309, Kerch, Russian Federation
* Corresponding author:
Salinity is one of the most important factors that primarily determines the level of seawater’s density and, consequently, the movement of water masses in the World Ocean. Spatial distribution of the salinity in different layers of the Black Sea are associated with varying levels of water balance seasonal variability and, general circulation of Black Seas waters and in the surface layer has a seasonal structure. To study spatial distribution of salinity in upper layers of the Black Sea we’ve used data from Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service, that were processed and aggregate by seasons and depth. We found that the most fluctuated layer is a top layer (up to 2.8 m) and the highest values Black Sea salinity reaches near the Bosporus Strait, where more saline water from the Sea of Marmara connected with fresher water of the Black Sea. Also we found that the impact of the river flows, mixing of the water, water regime of the sea decreasing with depth, so in the bottom of the upper layer the spatial fluctuation of the salinity is minimal and reaches about ±3‰, while in the depth of 2.8 m its reaches ±12-15‰.The lowest level of salinity through all of the upper layer (0-50 m) lays around the seashore and north-western part of the sea.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020
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