Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 234, 2021
The International Conference on Innovation, Modern Applied Science & Environmental Studies (ICIES2020)
Article Number | 00065 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 02 February 2021 |
Preserving the Environment and Establishing Sustainable Development: An Overview on the Moroccan Model
1 Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences – Oujda (FSO), Mohammed the First University (UMP) – Oujda, Morocco
2 Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Technology - Mohammedia, Hassan the Second University, Mohammedia, Morocco
3 Department of Public Law, Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences (FSJES), Mohammed the First University (UMP) – Oujda, Morocco
4 Center of Water, Natural Resources, Environment and Sustainable Development (CERNE2D), Faculty of Sciences, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco
* Corresponding author: ;
Over the past two decades, Morocco has been able to develop a political and strategic vision which has gradually considered the environment as a prerequisite for any public policies. The new approach aims to make the environment the cornerstone of sustainable development, and therefore, ultimately, of the birth of a new "green and inclusive" economy. This vision benefits from an exceptional impetus from His Majesty the King Mohammed VI. Morocco has therefore put in place a national environmental and sustainable development policy which breaks down into several priority areas, namely: strengthening the legal and institutional framework; environmental upgrading through programs dedicated to the preservation of the environment and providing financial instruments and systems in the service of environmental monitoring. In addition, Morocco, with its strategic north-south status, is actively engaged in the environmental diplomacy and multilateral cooperation. On the road to an integrated and sustainable human development, Morocco continues to deploy ambitious efforts in environmental communication, awareness and education. Based on the bidimensional classic model, Morocco has therefore developed a tridimensional/pyramidal model for the sustainable development. This, by integrating governance in the summit, and putting human being at the center of the new form, as an actor and a beneficiary at the same time. This manuscript presents an overview of the Moroccan model in all aspects of preserving the environment and establishing the second generation of the sustainable development.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021
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