Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 324, 2021
Maritime Continent Fulcrum International Conference (MaCiFIC 2021)
Article Number | 02001 | |
Number of page(s) | 8 | |
Section | Oceanography and Environmnetal Modelling | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 16 November 2021 |
The Sedimentation Impact for the Lagoon and Mangrove Stabilization
Aquatic Resources Management Program, Magister of Aquatic Resource, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science in Jenderal Soedirman University, Dr. Suparno street, Karangwangkal Puwokerto postcode 53122 tel. +62-281-642368, Fax: +62-281-642368.
Marine Science Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Jenderal Soedirman University, Dr. Suparno street, Karangwangkal Puwokerto postcode 53122 tel. +62-281-642368, Fax: +62-281-642368.
* Corresponding author:
Sedimentation causes land accretion, silting river water, lagoon, and mangrove degradation. The current study aims to analyze the potential and the impact of sedimentation toward the potential of the lagoon and mangrove ecosystem in Segara Anakan Lagoon. The research methods used mapping analysis, total suspended solid analysis (TSS), sedimentation rate analysis, biodiversity analysis, and mangrove covering. The result showed that (1) the value of TSS between 0.25-1,16 g L-1 (2) sediment flux between 6,8 - 257,7 g m-2s-1 (3) annual rate of sedimentation in West Segara Anakan Lagoon (W-SAL) between 13.82 – 15.49 m yr-1. (4) The effects of sedimentation were (a) the remaining lagoon of West Segara Anakan Lagoon (W-SAL) which was 1.200 ha, (b) land accretion in W-SAL between 27.24 – 160.18 m (1994 – 2003) and 20.91 – 107.55 m (2003 2014), (c) the remaining mangrove of SAL less than 2594 ha (d) the mangrove diversity ranged between 0.48 – 1.71 (low – moderate), (e) the mangrove density of trees were 46 - 205 trees ha-1 (degraded) (5) mangrove landscape was developed to reduce the impact of sedimentation, especially the first zone of mangrove landscaping was dominated by Aegiceras Floridum, Avicennia Alba, Avicennia Marina, Sonneratia Caseolaris, and Sonneratia alba.
Key words: mangrove density / sedimentation impact / sedimentary lagoon / root adaptation / mangrove landscaping
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021
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