Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 273, 2021
XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference “State and Prospects for the Development of Agribusiness - INTERAGROMASH 2021”
Article Number | 12130 | |
Number of page(s) | 8 | |
Section | Environmental Education and Training of Ecologists | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 22 June 2021 |
Features of education of female students in modern educational institutions
Don State Technical University, 344003, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
* Corresponding author:
Today, both in science and in everyday life, there is an increased interest in the concept of the human body. For a modern person, his body becomes that essential condition that largely determines professional, social and even personal success. It can even be said that the concept of the body is today one of the aspects of the social concept of a person and his place in society. Indeed, there is a clear trend towards an increase in the consumption of services aimed at meeting the need for the formation of a healthy and beautiful body: sports clubs and gyms, home exercise equipment, diet food, body shaping services in a variety of ways, etc. The conducted research has shown that despite the elaboration of the question of self-physical in theoretical terms, there is a certain lack of research in this area with a practical focus. Today, in state policy, the priority is to orient the population towards a healthy lifestyle. Consequently, for psychologists, the targeting of psychotherapy methods should be to help people with different attitudes to a healthy lifestyle. In order for such recommendations to be really useful and scientifically substantiated, it is advisable to identify significant differences in the understanding of the physical self by people with different attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021
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