Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 306, 2021
The First International Conference on Assessment and Development of Agricultural Innovation (1st ICADAI 2021)
Article Number | 01036 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
Section | Plant Science | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 24 September 2021 |
Influence of explant size, heat treatment, and variety on garlic (Allium sativum L) meristematic tissue growth
Indonesian Vegetable Research Institute. Jl. Tangkuban Perahu No. 157 Lembang – Bandung, West Java
* Corresponding author:
Garlic (Allium sativum L) is one of genus Allium sp which propagated vegetatively. In vegetative propagation, virus is one of the major diseases. However, it has been approved that OYDV (Onion Yellow Dwarf Virus) can be eliminated through unconventional propagation techniques. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of explant, variety and heat treatment on the growth and development of explants dealing with virus elimination. The research was conducted on the IVEGRI tissue culture laboratory from May to September 2018. The research was designed using combination between explant types e.g. meristem (E1) and shoot tip (E2), heat treatment (370C) for 1 month, and varieties e.g. Lumbu Hijau (V1); Tawang Mangu (V2); Lumbu Putih (V3). The composition of media consisted of MS + MS vitamine + Sucrose 30 g L-1+ IAA 2 mg L-1 + Kinetin 2 mgL-1 + GA30.01 mgL-1 + Gel gro 2 gL-1, pH 5.7 were used as media growth. The results concluded that explant size, heat treatment and varieties affected percentage of proliferation. The bigger the explant size used, the higher growth percentage resulted. From the average number of shoots, leaves and roots, it also suggested that explant type and varieties affected the explant growth and development. Moreover, it was shown that the culture contamination on 10 WAP ranged from 20% to 55% which generally caused by bacteria. The results of virus testing OYDV on plantlets using DAS ELISA Serology technique showed that the infected cultures ranged from 22.22% to 60 %.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021
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