Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 348, 2022
2nd International Conference on Applied Sciences 2021 (ICAS 2021)
Article Number | 00034 | |
Number of page(s) | 11 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 28 April 2022 |
Performances of Debu and Kelabu Sentul Hens in the Different Rearing System at Poultry Breeding Development Center Jatiwangi Majalengka
1 College of Vocational Studies, IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University), Kumbang st 14, 16128, Bogor, Indonesia
2 Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University), Raya Dramaga st, 16680, Bogor, Indonesia
3 BBPT Unggas Jatiwangi, Loji st km 35, Jatiwangi, Majalengka, Indonesia
* Corresponding author:
The pattern of raising domestic chickens in Indonesia is still maintained traditionally, used as a side business and savings. Besides that, Domestic chickens still have high broodiness, slow growth, and reproduction rates, so changes are needed in the rearing system. Observations and data collection were carried out at Poultry Breeding Development Center Jatiwangi. Debu and Kelabu Sentul hens have reached the age of 29 weeks in the deep litter system, and colony cages were observed for three months by observing egg production, FCR, and Depletion. Debu Sentul hens reared in the deep litter systems had lower egg production, higher FCR, and Depletion (28.34%, 9.34, 21.05%, respectively) than those reared in colony cages (36.08%, 7.04, 4.76%, respectively). Kelabu Sentul hens reared in the deep litter systems had lower egg production, higher FCR, and Depletion (24.64%, 12.01, 15.51%, respectively) than those reared in colony cages (41.64%, 6.06, 10.86%, respectively). In conclusion, the performance of Kelabu and Debu Sentul hens reared in colony cages was better than in deep litter system cages. The performance of Kelabu Sentul hens reared in colony cages was better than Debu Sentul hens.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2022
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