Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 357, 2022
i-DUST 2022 – Inter-Disciplinary Underground Science and Technology
Article Number | 05001 | |
Number of page(s) | 8 | |
Section | Industrial Development in Low Background Noise Environments | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 30 September 2022 |
Reaching ultra-high vacuum for a large vacuum vessel in an underground environment
1 LP2N, Laboratoire Photonique, Numérique et Nanosciences, Université Bordeaux–IOGS– CNRS:UMR 5298, rue F. Mitterrand, F–33400 Talence, France
2 Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Bologna, Via Berti-Pichat 6/2, I-40126 Bologna, Italy
3 LNE–SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris, Université PSL, CNRS, Sorbonne Université, 61, avenue de l’Observatoire, F–75014 Paris, France
4 LSBB, Laboratoire Souterrain à Bas Bruit, CNRS UAR3538, Avignon University - La grande combe, 84400 Rustrel, France
* e-mail:
Located far from anthropical disturbances and with low seismic and magnetic background noise profiles, the LSBB facility is the ideal location for a new hybrid detector for the study of space-time strain. The MIGA infrastructure [1], utilizes an array of atom interferometers manipulated by the same beam, the resonant optical field of a 150 m long optical cavity. The infrastructure constitutes a new method for geophysics, for the characterization of spatial and temporal variations of the local gravity, and is a demonstrator for future decihertz gravitational wave observation. Such an infrastructure requires ultra-high vacuum (10−9 mbar) on a size (150 m) and scale (36 m3) not typically seen in underground laboratories other than CERN [2], and especially in underground environments with high humidity (up to 100%) and significant dust contamination (milimetric to micrometric porous rock particles). Here, we detail the status of the MIGA infrastructure and describe the ongoing generation and analysis of the vacuum works - this comes from tests of the prototype vacuum vessel, focusing on heating cycles, residual gas and heating analysis.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2022
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