Issue |
E3S Web of Conf.
Volume 469, 2023
The International Conference on Energy and Green Computing (ICEGC’2023)
Article Number | 00101 | |
Number of page(s) | 12 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 20 December 2023 |
Levelized cost of green hydrogen (LCOH) in the Sultanate of Oman using H2A-Lite with polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) electrolyzers powered by solar photovoltaic (PV) electricity
College of Engineering, University of Buraimi, Al Buraimi, Postal Code 512, Sultanate of Oman
* Corresponding author:
The techno-economic analysis/assessment (TEA) tool H2A-Lite (Hydrogen Analysis Lite Production) of the United States National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is applied for computing the levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH) in the Sultanate of Oman, in the case of utilizing polymer electrolyte membranes (or proton exchange membranes, PEM) in combination with photovoltaic (PV) solar systems. Fourteen parameters (assumptions) were adopted, which include: purchased photovoltaic (PV) green electricity at a fixed rate (tariff) of 0.025 OMR/kWh (0.065 US$/kWh; 1 OMR ≈ 2.6 US$), 64 kWh/kgH2 (64 kWe/(kgH2/h)) specific electricity consumption by electrolyzers, OMR 384.6 (US$ 1,000) capital cost per kWe (kilowatt electric) of PEM electrolyzer input-electric capacity, 1 tonne (metric ton; 1,000 kg) of green hydrogen per day (nameplate production capacity), 90% utilization factor, 5 employees with equal individual annual salaries of OMR 26,923 (US$ 70,000), 20 years project lifetime, and straight-line depreciation. The results show that the LCOH is approximately 2.17 OMR/kgH2 (5.63 US$/kgH2). The corresponding electrolyzer nameplate electric-input capacity is 2.667 MWe (megawatt electric), with actual (not nameplate value) electrolyzer input electric power of 2.400 MWe, and actual (not nameplate value) annual electricity consumption of 21.024 GWh (gigawatt-hours). A sensitivity analysis, with 10% uncertainty, is reported for seven modeling parameters.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2023
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