Issue |
E3S Web of Conf.
Volume 402, 2023
International Scientific Siberian Transport Forum - TransSiberia 2023
Article Number | 02009 | |
Number of page(s) | 10 | |
Section | Avionics Engineering and Carbon Footprinting | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 19 July 2023 |
Impact of digital marketing on the aviation industry
Istanbul Gelisim University, 34310 İstanbul, Turkey
* Corresponding author:
It is very important for businesses to follow technological developments closely. They also need to develop themselves in the field of digitalization. In this way, they will be able to protect themselves in an intense competitive environment. Aviation is a very dynamic industry. This business uses the latest technologies, but the technology used is constantly changing. Therefore, states and entrepreneurs need to invest heavily in aviation. The aviation sector is of great importance in terms of the policies and strategies of states. Regardless of profit or loss, the aviation industry is given special importance. Digitalization is seen as a very important factor in terms of economy in the globalizing world. With the digital age, new employment areas are created. Since digitalization has become universal, all countries of the world are trying to keep up with this situation more or less. With digitalization, the workload of employees is reduced. Firms fulfill the demands of their customers more easily and increase the satisfaction of their customers. On the other hand, thanks to digital marketing, more consumers are reached than traditional marketing. The aviation industry arouses curiosity in consumers with its digital marketing strategies. In this study, the aviation industry and its digitalization, digital marketing, the effects of digital marketing strategies on the aviation industry were examined.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2023
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