Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 403, 2023
XII International Scientific and Practical Forum “Environmentally Sustainable Cities and Settlements: Problems and Solutions” (ESCP-2023)
Article Number | 01002 | |
Number of page(s) | 15 | |
Section | Real Estate Development in the Formation of Environmentally Sustainable Cities | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 25 July 2023 |
Eco-city Paradigm: Urban Planning Towards Sustainable Development Goals
1 Lecture, Faculty of Urban and Rural Planning, Hanoi Architectural University
2 Former lecturer, Academy of Managers for Construction and Cities
Nowadays, urban development associated with sustainable development goals is a global trend, in which the Eco-city paradigm is considered a central paradigm of a sustainable city. Faced with environmental crises and ecological imbalance problems taking place in some cities today, the Eco-city paradigm will be an appropriate solution, overcoming the limitations of modern cities, is especially meaningful, and important for developing countries. Eco-city with its strategies and structure will minimize the environmental and social consequences, while minimizing the impact on the ecosystem, helping the city develop in balance and harmony between the ecological system and urban social system. Based on the analysis of theories on Eco-city, Eco2-cities, and planning methods based on socio-ecosystem (SES). From there, the article presents research results on principles of Eco-city planning, Eco-city structure paradigm; and discusses the possibility of applying the Eco-city paradigm in the practical conditions of Vietnam. The research and proposals in this article aim to contribute to the scientific basis of Eco-cities, thereby promoting the research, planning, implementation, and management of Eco-cities in Vietnam, with the expectation of creating healthy and liveable living environments with minimal need for resources, minimizing environmental impacts; enhancing urban resilience; towards the goal of sustainable development, adapting to climate change, and conservation of biodiversity.
Key words: Eco-city / Eco2-cities / sustainable development / sustainable city development / biodiversity conservation / adapting to climate change
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2023
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