Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 414, 2023
2nd International Conference “SUstainable PolyEnergy generation and HaRvesting – SUPEHR23”
Article Number | 03010 | |
Number of page(s) | 8 | |
Section | Energy Micropolygeneration and Harvesting | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 25 August 2023 |
Humidification Towards Flashback Prevention in a Classical Micro Gas Turbine: Thermodynamic Performance Assessment
University of Mons (UMONS), Belgium
* Corresponding author:
Combustion air humidification has proven to be effective to stabilize hydrogen combustion and to avoid flashback apparition in a typical micro Gas Turbine (mGT). However, both the fuel alteration and combustion air dilution will impact the cycle performance. A complete characterization of this thermodynamic impact is essential to ensure that the mGTs become cleaner, and fully flexible to fit with the expectation of future small-scale decentralized power production. Therefore, the objective of this work is twofold: the determination of the necessary dilution for combustion stabilization, depending on the type of fuel, as well as the impact assessment on the cycle performance. In this framework, a hybrid model of the Turbec T100 mGT combustor, combining a 0D Chemical Reactor Network and 1D Laminar flame calculations, is used to first assess the flashback limits. The laminar flame speed is evaluated to predetermine the necessary minimal water dilution of the combustion air to avoid flashback for several CH4/H2 blends. Second, a thermodynamic analysis is performed to assess the impact of the flame stabilization measures on the cycle performance of the mGT using Aspen Plus. The 0D/1D simulation results show that the combustor of the Turbec T100 can operate with fuels containing up to 100% hydrogen. However, the thermodynamic analysis shows that the water dilution leads to a decreased electrical performance. Future work consists in the iterative coupling of both 0D/1D and the Aspen model to correctly predict the flashback limits, considering the altering operating conditions. To conclude, with this work, we provide a framework for future mGT operations with alternative fuels.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2023
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