Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 471, 2024
XIV International Conference on Transport Infrastructure: Territory Development and Sustainability (TITDS-XIV-2023)
Article Number | 06005 | |
Number of page(s) | 10 | |
Section | Transport Economics, Management, and Sociocultural Perspectives | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 04 January 2024 |
EAEU international transport corridors in the sustainable development of a regional economy
1 Samara State Transport University, Department of Economics and Logistics at Transport, 2B Svobody str., Samara, 443066, Russia
2 Samara State Economic University, Department of Regional Economy and Management, 141 Sovetskoy Armii str., Samara, 443090, Russia
* Corresponding author:
The International Transport Corridors (ITC) have traditionally addressed the challenges of inter-state integration and the creation of trade and economic partnerships at the global and national levels. Moreover, regional growth is only possible in the case of the development of ITCs as a multi-level system, in whose «zone of attraction» the economy of a Russian subject can increase external economic potential. As a result, the solution of this task requires a holistic approach to the development of transport plans, and transport sections of the strategies for socio-economic development of the Russian subjects, which is the purpose of the article. The scientific novelty of the results is achieved by setting the task - to substantiate the potential of ITCs in providing a sustainable type of regional development, the differentiation of sectoral and territorial directions of ITCs influencing the regional economy, proposed characteristics of the potential (diversification of development objectives, «an attractiveness zone of an ITC», infrastructure projects), which have to be included into an ITC as an economic system providing a targeted type of regional dynamics.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2023
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