Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 486, 2024
IX International Conference on Advanced Agritechnologies, Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development (AGRITECH-IX 2023)
Article Number | 01012 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
Section | Agritechnologies and Environmental Engineering for Sustainable Environmental Health | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 07 February 2024 |
Research on the effect of microelement salt with fertilizer
1 Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, 7, st. Kasansay, Namangan, 160115, Uzbekistan
2 Namangan Institute of Engineering and Construction, 12, st. Islam Karimov, Namangan, 160103, Uzbekistan
3 The Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 77a, M. Ulugbek str., Tashkent, 100170, Uzbekistan
* Corresponding author:
The visual-polythermal method was used to study the solubility of components in the ZnSO4 – (NH4)2SO4 – H2O system over the temperature interval of -22.0°С to +36.1°С. Solubility and characteristics of the constituents of the system at different temperatures and concentrations were studied to show the physicochemical interactions between zinc sulfate and ammonium sulfate. The phase description delineates the areas of ice crystallization, (NH4)2SO4, ZnSO4ꞏ(NH4)2SO4ꞏ6H2O, and ZnSO4. A solubility diagram was drawn and a new compound, ZnSO4ꞏ(NH4)2SO4ꞏ6H2O, was isolated. The system ZnSO4 – (NH4)2SO4 – H2O was investigated using thirteen inner sections. At the double and triple points of the system, the equipoise composition of solutions and crystallization temperatures were clarified. The analysis was carried out using contemporary physicochemical analysis methods to confirm the identity of the obtained compound. Analytical data on physicochemical changes, thermal stability and chemical decomposition of the ZnSO4ꞏ(NH4)2SO4ꞏ6H2O sample with temperature change were presented. All the diffractographic changes in the X-ray pattern of a new compound, in particular, the set of distances between the planes, the activation of their reflection angles, and the diffraction lines confirm the individuality of the new compound.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2024
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