Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 486, 2024
IX International Conference on Advanced Agritechnologies, Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development (AGRITECH-IX 2023)
Article Number | 05004 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
Section | Chemical, Ecological, Oil-and-Gas Engineering and Natural Resources | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 07 February 2024 |
Decrease of the cost of drying compressed air by heat recovery at the compressor station
1 Department of Power Supply of Enterprises and Energy Resource Saving Technologies, Kazan State Power Engineering University, 51 Krasnoselskaya St., Kazan, 420066, Russia
2 Institute of Computational Mathematics and Information Technologies, Kazan Federal University, 18 Kremlyovskaya Street, Kazan, 420008, Russia
3 Kazan National Research Technological University, 68 Karl Marx Street, Kazan, 420015, Russia
* Corresponding author:
Compressed air is widely used as an energy carrier. The compressed air production systems are a part of the auxiliary systems of offsite facilities. It is worth noting that the production of com-pressed air is quite an energy-intensive process, so the potential for energy saving is quite large. There is increasing the efficiency of the compressed air production by developing technology solutions for air preparation in this work. The system of air drying by cooling and the source of cold are considered in this paper. The paper presents a comparison of cooling systems from steam compression and absorption refrigerating machines from the point of view of heat exchange, energy consumption for their own needs, providing cold with required parameters. The economic effect of the proposed circuit solution is given.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2024
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