Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 502, 2024
2nd International Congress on Coastal Research (ICCR 2023)
Article Number | 04004 | |
Number of page(s) | 4 | |
Section | Coastal Water Resources, Hydrology and Hydrogeology | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 11 March 2024 |
Speciation of Sedimentary Phosphorus in an Urban Wetland: The Case of El Oulfa Pound. Casablanca, Morocco
1 Hassan II University of Casablanca, Laboratory of Geosciences Applied to Planning Engineering, B.P 5366 Mâarif, Casablanca.
2 Regional Center of Education and Training Professions of the Region of Casablanca-Settat.
* Corresponding author:
Eutrophication remains a major concern for the quality of surface waters worldwide. This phenomenon significantly restricts water usage. The El Oulfa pond, located in Casablanca, is experiencing advanced eutrophication primarily caused by domestic wastewater discharge. Despite the cessation of these discharges and the implementation of an aeration system coupled with biological treatment, physicochemical analyses of the water body have shown an increase in phosphorus levels. This situation suggests a sedimentary origin for this nutrient, considered a limiting factor in eutrophication. This study aims to determine the various fractions of sedimentary phosphorus and their involvement in the eutrophication of the pond, using sequential chemical extraction according to Golterman. This sequential extraction revealed that the bioavailable phosphorus bound to organic matter (ASOP) represents 60.45% of the total phosphorus. Regarding mineral phosphorus, the fraction bound to calcium (CaCO3-P) is the most dominant, while the bioavailable fraction bound to iron (P-Fe) accounts for only 1.63% of the total phosphorus.
Key words: Eutrophication / Casablanca / Sediments / Phosphorus / Urban Pound
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2024
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