Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 519, 2024
5th Talenta Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology (TALENTA CEST-5 2024)
Article Number | 02011 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
Section | Sustainable Energy | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 01 May 2024 |
Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Measurement of Systems Containing Glycerol for Separation Process of Glycerol as a By-Product of Biodiesel
1 Department of Chemical Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), 60111 Sukolilo Surabaya, Indonesia
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya, 60113 Mulyorejo Surabaya, Indonesia
* Corresponding author:
The most popular technique to produce biodiesel were uses alcohol as a catalyst to transesterify triglycerides. The biodiesel transesterification process has a by-product in the form of glycerol which has a high selling value. Equilibrium data of glycerol and alcohol mixtures is limited in equilibrium conditions and systems which causes the glycerol purification process may not be designed and operated optimally. This research aims to obtain experimentally isobaric vapor-liquid equilibrium of methanol + glycerol binary system at 31.3, 61.3, and 100.8 kPa. A modified Glass Othmer-Still was utilised to carry out the experiment. Refractometer index type Bausch and Lomb ABBE was used to examine the equilibrium composition of the liquid and vapor phases. Using the L-W thermodynamic consistency test method, the experimental data used in this work were shown to be thermodynamically consistent. The experimental data were correlated well with the Wilson, Non-Random Two Liquid (NRTL), and Universal Quasi-Chemical (UNIQUAC) models with absolute average deviation in temperatures (AADT) and that in vapor compositions (AADy) smaller than 0.3% and 0.2%, respectively. The Universal Chemical Functional Group Activity Coefficient (UNIFAC) in predicting VLE the system studied showed good performance giving AADT and AADy smaller than 7.4% and 0.04%, respectively.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2024
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