Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 563, 2024
International Conference on Environmental Science, Technology and Engineering (ICESTE 2024)
Article Number | 03026 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Green Environment | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 30 August 2024 |
Biological basics of African catfish (Clarias Gariepinus) culture in cages in the plain zone of Uzbekistan
Tashkent State Agrarian University, Tashkent, 100140, Uzbekistan
* Corresponding author:
In inland regions, the seasonality of the temperate climate is a significant limitation for cage aquaculture: cold water fishes will not survive in the summer, tropical fishes will not overwinter, the list of warmwater fishes, which grow well in warm water but can overwinter, is very limited. More promising for cultured species choosing are tropical fishes, like African catfish (Clarias gariepinus). The purpose of experiment was to analyze the possibility of table fish production in one year. Artificial reproduction and fingerlings production were carried out in RAS in January – middle April, 2022. Table fish was rise in cages in the Tuyabuguz reservoir (Uzbekistan) in April – November, 2022. Starting from April (an average 21.5 g body weight), African catfish grew to a marketable size (on average 1491 g) by the early November; fish were fed with minced by-products of chicken processing (feet, heads, intestine and stomachs). The average final body weight was 1491 g, the average individual weight gain was 1469.5 g. The growing time was 194 days. Relative growth rate was determined as 7.6 g/day. Specific growth rate was noted as 2.1. The FCR was 3.1.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2024
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