Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 607, 2025
6th International Conference of GIS USERS (ERRACHIDIA GIS-USERS’2024)
Article Number | 03004 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
Section | Cartography-Planning-Urbanism | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 22 January 2025 |
The role of geographic information systems (GIS) in decision-making for the localization of industrial areas and the evaluation of existing industrial areas (an applied study in the Nador province)
1 Laboratory of Dynamics of arid environments, territorial planning and Regional Development, Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences, Mohammed First University, 60000, Oujda, Morocco
2 Laboratory for Improvement of Agricultural Production, Biotechnology and Environment (LAPABE)/Water, Environment and Health Team, Faculty of Science, Mohamed Premier University, PB 717 60000, BV M6, Oujda, Morocco
3 Laboratory of Applied Geosciences, Faculty of Sciences, University of Mohammed first, Oujda, Morocco
4 Center of Urban Systems - CUS, Mohammed IV Polytechnic University - UM6P, Benguerir 43150, Morocco.
* Corresponding authors:
The study presents a comprehensive analysis of industrial localization in Nador Province, northeastern Morocco. By employing a descriptive and analytical methodology, we have thoroughly examined the province's natural and human data, diagnosing all indicators influencing the process of industrial localization. Our comprehensive approach has classified the area based on its suitability for industrial localization, ranging from ideal to unsuitable regions. The ideal areas for manufacturing, estimated to cover approximately 1,469 hectares, represent 0.5% of the province's total area. The suitable areas for establishing industrial units, estimated to cover 14,211 hectares, represent 5.4% of the province's total area. These comprehensive findings, which encompass several municipalities, such as Selouane, Al Aroui, Ouled Settout, Beni Ansar, and Zaio, provide a robust foundation for policymakers, urban planners, and industrial stakeholders. Furthermore, our correlation between the current industrial zones delineated in the direction plan, Nador Horizon 2040, and the outcomes derived from the spatial analysis of industrial localization factors using geographic information systems (GIS), adds to the validity and comprehensiveness of our research.
Key words: Industrial localization / evaluation / direction plan / Geographic information systems / Nador Province
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2025
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