Open Access
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 493, 2024
International Conference on Advances in Agrobusiness and Biotechnology Research (ABR 2024)
Article Number 01018
Number of page(s) 7
Published online 22 February 2024
  1. Test stand for seeding machines of precision seed drills / E. V. Nekhoda, E. M. Zubrilina, I. A. Markov [et al.] // State and prospects of development of the agroindustrial complex : collection of scientific papers of the XII International scientific and practical conference within the framework of the XXII Agro-industrial Forum of the South of Russia and the exhibition “Interagromash”, Rostov-onDon, February 27 – 01, 2019 / Don State Technical University, Agricultural Research Center “Donskoy”. – Rostov-on-Don: Limited Liability Company “DSTU-PRINT”, 2019. – pp. 531-533. – DOI 10.23947/interagro.2019.6.531-533. – EDN URXOYH. [Google Scholar]
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  4. Precise seed drills with automated monitoring and control system / E. Zubrilina, I. Markvo, V. Novikov [et al.] // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science : 12th International Scientific Conference on Agricultural Machinery Industry, INTERAGROMASH 2019, Rostov-on-Don, September 10-13, 2019. Vol. 403. – Rostov-on-Don: Institute of Physics Publishing, 2019. – P. 012063. – DOI 10.1088/1755-1315/403/1/012063. – EDN BOHHNB. [Google Scholar]
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  8. Substantiation of the choice of material for the construction of a laboratory grain cleaning machine of the horizontal type VSG-1 / L. V. Kravchenko, E. M. Zubrilina, A. F. Koltsov [et al.] // Polythematic network electronic scientific journal of Kuban State Agrarian University. 2023. – No. 191. – pp. 184-193. – DOI 10.21515/1990-4665191-029. – EDN SLARBN. [Google Scholar]
  9. Methodology and results of determining the coefficient of friction of seed material using an automated device / I. A. Markvo, V. I. Novikov, E. M. Zubrilina [et al.] // Polythematic network electronic scientific journal of Kuban State Agrarian University. – 2019. – No. 147. – pp. 10-20. – DOI 10.21515/1990-4665-147-002. – EDN BKHXDF. [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  10. Methodology and results of determining the coefficient of friction of seed material using an automated unit / I. A. Markvo, V. I. Novikov, E. M. Zubrilina [et al.] // Polythematic network electronic scientific journal of Kuban State Agrarian University. – 2019. – No. 147. – pp. 10-20. – DOI 10.21515/1990-4665-147-002. – EDN BKHXDF. [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
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  14. Certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2012619448 Russian Federation. Software package “System for numerical calculation of residual stresses in coatings of increased thickness “Zeus” (PC “System Zeus”) : No. 2012617206 : application 28.08.2012 / I. N. Kravchenko, E. M. Zubrilina, E. V. Pankratova [et al.] ; applicant Kravchenko Igor Nikolaevich, Zubrilina Elena Mikhailovna. – EDN XMGSWT. [Google Scholar]
  15. Certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2012619447 Russian Federation. Calculation program “Calculation of the thermal field of the coating-base system with a moving boundary” “Grad” (RP “System Grad”) : No. 2012617205 : application 28.08.2012 / I. N. Kravchenko, E. V. Zubenko, E. M. Zubrilina [et al.] ; applicant Kravchenko Igor Nikolaevich, Zubenko Elena Vasilyevna. – EDN XMGRZR. [Google Scholar]

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