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Industrial waste in concrete mixtures for construction of underground structures and minerals extraction
Cheynesh Kongar-Syuryun, Yulia Tyulyaeva, Albert M Khairutdinov and Tomasz Kowalik IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 869(3) 032004 (2020)
The reuse of mining and construction waste for backfill as one of the sustainable activities
Alexander L. Ivannikov, Cheynesh Kongar-Syuryun, Jaroslaw Rybak and Yulia Tyulyaeva IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 362 012130 (2019)
The surface wave attenuation as the effect of vibratory compaction of building embankments
Aneta Herbut, Marat M. Khairutdinov, Cheynesh Kongar-Syuryun and Jarosław Rybak IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 362(1) 012131 (2019)
The impact of Rapid Impulse Compaction (RIC) of large non-cohesive material deposits on the surrounding area
Przemyslaw Dobrzycki, Alexander L. Ivannikov, Jaroslaw Rybak, Vlada O. Shkodkina and Yulia Tyulyaeva IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 362(1) 012132 (2019)
Estimation of the Dynamic Characteristics of the Foam Concrete