Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 22, 2017
International Conference on Advances in Energy Systems and Environmental Engineering (ASEE17)
Article Number | 00049 | |
Number of page(s) | 8 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 07 November 2017 |
Closing of water circuits – a global benchmark on sustainable water management
Process Engineering @ Hochschule Emden/Leer, Constantiaplatz 4, D26723 Emden
* Corresponding author:
Access to clean water resources has always been a crucial factor in the history of mankind. Now, in the 21st century, water, as an increasingly scarce resource, will take a strategic role for the future development of global populations. As the former UN Secretary General Dr. Dr. Boutrous Boutrous Ghali predicts: “The wars of the 21st century will be fought not over oil, they will be fought over water.” [1]. In nine global examples will be demonstrated the different ways of dealing with water resources. That are: Mexico City, Egypt, Libya, DOW Terneuzen, Los Angeles, Israel, China and Singapore and also global trends, such as, scarcity & rural exodus and salinization of soil. Thereby, he explains the different kinds of water management to be observed. The most relevant prognosis of the WHO is, that to the end of 21st century Africa's population will grow over proportionally from 1 billion now up to nearly 4 billion [9]. That is why all efforts need to be concentrated on helping Africa create a sustainable economic development. The first and by far most important strategic step is to assure access to clean water resources in the rural and mostly arid regions of the continent. The lecturer shows several technological proposals on how to overcame problems like: water scarcity, rural exodus, salinization of soil and others. Such technologies could be successfully implemented in sustainable development programs in African countries.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2017
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