Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 41, 2018
IIIrd International Innovative Mining Symposium
Article Number | 04030 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Mining Regions’ Sustainable Development | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 26 June 2018 |
Implementing Web 2.0 Technologies in Mining Engineers Language Communications
Kemerovo State University, Institute of Philology, Foreign Languages and Media Communication, Department of Foreign Languages,
650000 Kemerovo,
6 Krasnaya st.,
Russian Federation
* Corresponding author:
This paper is devoted to the author’s experience of applying the most popular Web 2.0 technologies to mining ingeneers’ educational process. The paper deals with incorporating such services as RSS, weblogs, microblogs, podcasts, mashups, wikis into the process of teaching English to future mining specialists. With the development of globalization processes, higher education in mineral resource universities has new objectives, i.e. training professionals capable of working effectively in the changed conditions of the global mining industry. Modern higher educational system has a number of specific features and requires certain changes in the content and organizing the teaching process. Web 2.0 opens up great opportunities for educational practice: the use of free electronic resources used for training purposes; creation of network content; interpersonal interaction of all the members of the educational process, etc. The paper notes the effectiveness of implementing some Web 2.0 technologies to make education of mining engineers more realistic, increase their motivation to become ready for professional communications with foreign colleagues, which will help to raise mining safety and productivity.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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