Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 49, 2018
SOLINA 2018 - VII Conference SOLINA Sustainable Development: Architecture - Building Construction - Environmental Engineering and Protection Innovative Energy-Efficient Technologies - Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources
Article Number | 00026 | |
Number of page(s) | 9 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 13 August 2018 |
Natural balanced ventilation. Simulations part 2
Cracow University of Technology, Institute of Construction Design, 1 Podchorążych str., Cracow, Poland
* Corresponding author:
The paper is devoted to test results of air flow through natural ventilation supply-exhaust ducts in the rooms located on the upper floor of the building that were conducted in ANSYS Fluent software. Three types of solutions were selected for the tests: air inflow into the room through the air intake located at the basement level, air inflow through the window ventilator (although no longer used, this solution can be found in many existing residential buildings) and the natural ventilation system supported with the so-called “solar chimney” that is usually a glass superstructure, located on the roof of the building above the ventilation ducts. All simulations were conducted with an outdoor temperature of +3 degrees C. The indoor temperature is + 20 degrees C, considered to be the minimum thermal comfort level. The simulations concerned such issues as: pressure system inside the room and in the exhaust duct, distribution of air temperatures in the room, vector direction of air flow through supply and exhaust ducts and in the room. Tests conducted using a computer method of air flow analysis in ducts and in the analysed room indicate that the developed natural balanced ventilation system is a good solution, especially when building sealing is so common. In all cases presented, it meets the normative regulations and requirements for the ventilation air stream and the air exchange rate in the room. The paper (second part) describes test results concerning the room located on the upper floor of the building, i.e. with a long 9-meter long supply duct and a short 3-meter long exhaust duct.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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