Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 134, 2019
The First Interregional Conference “Sustainable Development of Eurasian Mining Regions (SDEMR-2019)”
Article Number | 02001 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
Section | Ecological and Industrial Safety of Mining | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 28 November 2019 |
Air pollution by coal dust as a factor of ecological compatibility for coal mining enterprises
LLC “Mining Engineering Institute of Siberia” of JSC UHC “SDS-Ugol”
Kemerovo Branch of Institute of computing technologies SB RAS, 650025, Kemerovo, Russia
* Corresponding author:
Coal mining enterprises (there are more than 130 in the Kemerovo region), are powerful sources of pollutant emissions (P) into the atmosphere. They account for almost a third of the total mass of the cumulative annual emissions in the region. A significant number of coal mining enterprises are located in the vicinity of the boundaries of residential settlements of Kuzbass. At the same time, emissions of coal mining enterprises are mainly carried out from unorganized sources of air pollution (SAI), which do not have treatment facilities. All this leads to pollution of the surface air layer by the coal mining industry. Currently, the category of the enterprise is determined only by its economic activity associated with the production of a product. In particular, all coal-mining enterprises, including the extraction and enrichment of coal, anthracite and brown coal, are classified as category 1 enterprises, i.e. enterprises with significant negative environmental impact (NEI) and related to the areas of application of the best available technologies (BAT). However, this approach to the definition of the category does not take into account the individual characteristics of the enterprise and the level of ecological compatibility of its production.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2019
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