Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 168, 2020
II International Conference Essays of Mining Science and Practice
Article Number | 00014 | |
Number of page(s) | 10 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 06 May 2020 |
Increasing of filtration characteristics of ore bodies in borehole uranium mining
“SatbayevUniversity”, A15P4X4, Almaty, Satbayev Str., 22, Kazakhstan
* Corresponding author:
There is a description of technology by borehole uranium mining in Kazakhstan. The factors which affect for reduction of filtration characteristics in productive reservoirs are studied in detail and described an effective method for increasing borehole uranium production. The processes that occur during borehole mining of uranium with the use of sulfuric acid as solvent, as well as the conditions and reasons for reducing the productivity of geotechnical wells during their operation are considered. The results of experimental work on the intensification of borehole uranium mining in complex mining and geological conditions are analyzed and discussed, comparative graphs of the content of uranium in the productive solution, the flow rate of wells, the degree of extraction and the volume of production before and after the experiments are constructed. The results of experimental work on the efficiency of borehole uranium production, the content of uranium in PS and the productivity of wells, with predominance of the chemical type of sedimentation, are positively evaluated. The optimal parameters for the intensification of borehole uranium production in complex mining and geological conditions are recommended, and method for using complex of multi-purpose chemical reagents in combination with traditional methods of well regeneration is developed.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020
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