Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 194, 2020
2020 5th International Conference on Advances in Energy and Environment Research (ICAEER 2020)
Article Number | 04063 | |
Number of page(s) | 4 | |
Section | Environmental Protection and Pollution Control | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 October 2020 |
Microbial Community Structure Diversity in the Dewatered Sludge from 4 Different Waste Water Treatment Plants used for CSRB in Colder Season
1 College of Geography and Environmental Engineering, Lanzhou City University, 730070, Lanzhou, China
2 The Engineering Research Center of Mining Pollution Treatment and Ecological Restoration of Gansu Province, Lanzhou City University, 730070, Lanzhou, China
3 College of Biological and Environmental Engineering, Xi’an University, 710065, Xi’an, China
4 Key Laboratory of Mechanics on Disaster and Environment in Western China, Lanzhou University, Ministry of Education, 730000, Lanzhou, China
* Corresponding author:
Compacted Sludge Reducing Barrier (CSRB) was tested to be a feasible barrier for Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) from tailings in case the ground water contamination. Because of its double function (encapsuling and reducing), the microbial community structure diversity in the sludge played a key role. In this paper, we researched the correlation between heavy metals and microbial structure diversity in the dewatered sludge from 4 different sewage treatment process plants in Lanzhou city, a developing area of northwest China, in the colder season. The results indicated that the microbial community structure diversity differed and were unique among the different sewage plants; their correlation with heavy metals was also unique independently.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020
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