Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 213, 2020
2nd International Conference on Applied Chemistry and Industrial Catalysis (ACIC 2020)
Article Number | 01016 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
Section | Industrial Catalysis and Chemical Substance R&D and Application | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 01 December 2020 |
Effects of different of salt-reducing formulas on the quality characteristics of clam sausage
College of Food Science and Engineering, Bohai University, National & Local Joint Engineering Research Center of Storage, Processing and Safety Control Technology for Fresh Agricultural and Aquatic Products, Jinzhou 121103, China
Wenzhou Academy of Agricultural Science, Wenzhou Characteristic Food Resources Engineering and Technology Research Center, Wenzhou 325006, China
* Corresponding author’s e-mail:,
In this paper, Meretrix meretrix Linnaeus and Nemipterus virgatus surimi were used as raw materials, and the effects of different salt-reducing formulas on the characteristics of low-sodium clam meat sausage was studied. The results showed that there was not significantly different in texture properties (except T1) and gel properties among each groups, and the groups treated with 50% KCl instead of 50% NaCl significantly decreased the sodium content. The addition of lysine, F1 (atmospheric clam enzymatic hydrolysate lyophilized powder), F2 (ultrahigh pressure clam enzymatic hydrolysate lyophilized powder) and MRPF1 (Maillard Reaction products of F1) increased the sensory acceptance, taste perception and decreased bitterness, astringency. On the premise of adding F1, F2 and MRPF1, it is feasible to add 50% KCl instead of 50% NaCl in clam sausage. The results demonstrated that adding MRPF1 can better improve people’s salty perception, reduce the amount of sodium and increase delicate flavor in clam meat sausages.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020
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