Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 290, 2021
2021 3rd International Conference on Geoscience and Environmental Chemistry (ICGEC 2021)
Article Number | 03018 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
Section | Environmental Energy Protection and Energy-Saving Sustainability | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 14 July 2021 |
A Qualitative Study on the Influencing Factors of Public Participation in the Construction of “Waste-Free City” Exploratory Analysis Based on Grounded Theory
1 School of Public Administration, Xiangtan University Xiangtan, Hunan P.R. China
2 School of Public Administration, Northwest University Xi 'an, Shaanxi P.R. China
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As a cellular project of beautiful China and a systematic project of the whole people, the construction of “Waste Free City” cannot be separated from the extensive participation of the public. This research in China’s Henan province “no waste city” construction of public participation as the research object, using the grounded theory, first through open and spindle coding that affecting public participation “no waste city” of the construction of the six main factors: attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, driving factors and social environment and identity characteristics; Then a model of influencing factors of public participation is constructed through selective coding. The results show that participation attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavior control directly affect the willingness of the public to participate in the construction of “waste-free city”, which are internal psychological factors. Government behavior, group influence, community factor and enterprise factor constitute the external environmental factors that affect public participation. The three categories of publicity and education, reward and punishment mechanism and laws and regulations form the driving factors of public participation in the construction of “waste-free city”, which play a moderating role between internal psychological factors and external environmental factors. At the same time, identity characteristics also directly affect the public participation behavior in the construction of “waste-free city”.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021
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