Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 351, 2022
10th International Conference on Innovation, Modern Applied Science & Environmental Studies (ICIES’2022)
Article Number | 01040 | |
Number of page(s) | 4 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 24 May 2022 |
A solution for the management of the passengers’ shuttle buses of the port Tanger MED Passagers
1 Department of Computer Science, Systems and Telecommunications (LIST), Faculty of Sciences and Technology Tangier, Morocco
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Sciences and Technology Tangier, Morocco
* Corresponding author:
The present paper discusses a solution for managing the fleet of vehicles destined to servicing the passengers of the harbour station of the port Tanger MED Passagers. This solution can be divided on two components: first, we formulate a linear program describing the current situation at the station using a variant of the vehicle routing problem – multi-trip vehicle routing problem with divisible pickups and deliveries, and we solve it, then we have un package of web and mobile applications destined to improve the communication and data transfer between all users of the system, that is, the driver of the shuttle bus, the field operator and the operator of the control room. The simulations show that indeed this system answers the need of the port.
Key words: Tanger MED Passagers / Tanger MED / VRP / Vehicle Routing Problem / linear programming / shuttle bus / fleet management
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2022
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