Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 360, 2022
2022 8th International Symposium on Vehicle Emission Supervision and Environment Protection (VESEP2022)
Article Number | 01070 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 23 November 2022 |
Research on simulation and optimization of road traffic flow based on Anylogic
College of Aeronautical Engineering, Civil Aviation University of China, China
* Corresponding author:
With the development of urban roads and the growth of traffic flow, large-scale congestion often occurs. The long time-consuming urban road traffic makes drivers very annoying. This is the main reason for using simulation tools to analyze and optimize urban road traffic flow. Intelligent body modeling and simulation has been regarded as a reliable and powerful tool in the field of traffic simulation. This paper uses Anylogic software based on intelligent modeling and simulation to solve the traffic flow optimization problem in a congested area in Tianjin. The simulation results show that by changing the display time of the traffic lights in the road network, the vehicle travel time in the system is reduced from 145.46 seconds to 132.31 seconds. After 300 iterations of experiments, it was determined that the vehicle’s travel time in the system reached the optimum when iterated 73 times.
Key words: Urban traffic flow / Congestion research / Simulation optimization / Agent-based modeling and simulation
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2022
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