Issue |
E3S Web of Conf.
Volume 410, 2023
XXVI International Scientific Conference “Construction the Formation of Living Environment” (FORM-2023)
Article Number | 01018 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
Section | Modern Building Materials | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 09 August 2023 |
Obtaining of highly energy-efficient activated carbons based on wood
1 Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry Academy of Sciences, Republic of Uzbekistan
2 Tashkent State Technical University, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
3 Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan
4 Tashkent Chemical-Technological Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan
* Corresponding author:
The research work established the distinctive features of the composition and properties of local Paulownia woods - raw materials for the production of highly energy-efficient activated adsorbents. The colloidal, physicochemical properties of the obtained adsorbents from Paulownia wood were revealed. The adsorption properties of the developed adsorbents have been established for deep purification of water-alcohol solutions. In the article, research work was carried out on the wooden stems of a number of trees growing in the territory of Uzbekistan. According to the results of the experimental research, the base of raw materials meeting the requirement of being an adsorbent was researched, and their physico-chemical, colloidal properties were studied. It was found that Pavlovnia wood with high density and porosity can meet the requirement to be an adsorbent. In the study, its porosity, moisture level, ash content, and adsorbent productivity were studied. Based on the obtained results, a series of raw materials that can meet the demand of adsorbent was formed.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2023
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